copyright registration


Copyright Registration is an important part of your book’s publication process. Although you can file a “pre-publication” copyright, it is not necessary since the self-publishing process doesn’t take years to complete. Photo of a laptop computer and writing pad with pen and stack of books in the background, linked to post about The Business of Publishing

We recommend that you wait to start copyright registration until after your book has been sent to the printer. If you live outside the United States and are planning to publish your book in the US, you will need to consult with an American copyright attorney for help in determining how to register copyright for your book.

The US Copyright Office has both online and paper filing systems. Their paper system can be confusing and costs an additional $10 to file, so we recommend you file via their online “eCO” system. Filing fees are $35 for eCO and $45 for paper processing. Go to: and follow the steps to obtain a US Copyright Office account and file your copyright.

After completing the process, watch your email for detailed instructions and a packing slip that will be emailed to you from the US Copyright Office. Print out the packing slip and mail it to the US Copyright Office (address below) along with two copies of your book when you get your first order from the printer.

Copyright Registration is a detailed process. If you find you’d like to have someone take care of these details for you and retain all of your rights and royalties, contact us at We offer a wide range of services and several affordable packages depending on your needs.