bookstore requirements

21 Reasons to Use I Am Published to Publish Your Book

Personal one-on-one coaching, Your own on-demand printer account, worldwide distribution, meet bookstore requirements, professional, custom book cover design, branded, professional custom book layout, eBook conversion: Kindle, iPad, Nook, Dozens of book sizes, Professional copyediting, Timelines that fit your schedule (in as little as 45 days), Retail Distribution: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Baker & Taylor and more, 100% Royalties, No minimum orders, Print cost based on specs (not retail Price), Direct Distributor Access to Track Sales, Free ISBN Barcode, Easy, Worldwide drop ship ordering, Everything done for you, All rights retained (including distribution repurpose), Personal one-on-one account training, Useful marketing materials

Assisted self publishing is a happy medium between DIY and traditional publishing. It might be the right fit for you!
Every registration is done in your name as the publisher of record. There’s no middle man, no vanity “publishing” company slapping its name on your book and stealing profits from your hard-earned book sales.
  1. Personal one-on-one coaching
  2. Your own on-demand printer account
  3. Worldwide distribution
  4. Meet bookstore requirements
  5. Professional, custom book cover design
  6. Branded, professional custom book layout
  7. eBook conversion: Kindle, iPad, Nook
  8. Dozens of book sizes
  9. Professional copyediting
  10. Timelines that fit your schedule (in as little as 45 days)
  11. Retail Distribution:
    Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Baker & Taylor and more
  12. 100% Royalties
  13. No minimum orders
  14. Print cost based on specs (not retail price)
  15. Direct distributor access to track sales
  16. Free ISBN barcode
  17. Easy, worldwide drop ship ordering
  18. Everything done for you
  19. All rights retained (including distribution repurpose)
  20. Personal one-on-one account training
  21. Useful marketing materials